Download the Ultimate Guide to Volunteer Grants

[Free Download] The Ultimate Guide to Volunteer Grants

What is the Ultimate Guide to Volunteer Grants?

Double the Donation’s Ultimate Guide to Volunteer Grants is designed to be your go-to resource for understanding, leveraging, and maximizing corporate volunteer grant opportunities for your nonprofit. Volunteer grants, often overlooked, are an incredible source of funding for organizations—offered by companies to financially reward nonprofits for their employees’ volunteer hours. However, many nonprofits aren’t fully aware of how these programs work, or how to tap into them effectively.

In this guide, you’ll find everything you need to know about volunteer grants, from understanding the basics and eligibility requirements to actionable tips on how to increase participation and track volunteer hours. We’ll provide examples of companies offering generous volunteer grant programs, best practices for educating and engaging volunteers, and strategies for fostering relationships with corporate partners.

Whether you’re new to the concept of volunteer grants or looking to refine your existing approach, this resource offers detailed insights to help you unlock additional funding and deepen your engagement with both volunteers and corporate supporters.

Why download the Ultimate Guide to Volunteer Grants?

Incorporate easy-to-follow strategies.

Our guide breaks down the steps to implement successful volunteer grant campaigns, helping you engage both volunteers and their employers effectively.

Maximize volunteer impact for your cause.

See how volunteer hours can transform into tangible financial support, motivating volunteers to contribute more time and effort to your cause.

Boost funding to support your efforts.

Learn how to tap into corporate volunteer grant programs that can increase your nonprofit’s revenue without needing additional donations.

Expand corporate relationships.

Discover how to strengthen relationships with corporate partners by utilizing volunteer grants, which can lead to long-term support and sponsorships.

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